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Dr. Sudheesh Manoharan

Head And Neck Oncology

Dr. Sudheesh Manoharan

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Dr. Sudheesh, who has been serving MVRCCRI since 2017, is a highly skilled surgeon with a wealth
of experience in the field of cancer surgery. He has worked in various capacities at different
hospitals and cancer centers, and has made significant contributions to the field of oncology
during his career.
Dr. Sudheesh started his career as a Senior Resident in Maxillofacial Surgery at Government
Medical College, Kottayam, following which he went on to complete his fellowship in Head and
Neck Surgical Oncology at the Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery, where he gained extensive
experience in managing complex cases of cancers affecting the mouth, jaws, and salivary glands.
He then pursued his Membership in Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, UK (MOMSRCSEd) in
2018. Dr. Sudheesh is an International Board Certified Maxillofacial Surgeon (FIBCSOMS) since
Dr. Sudheesh is an expert in managing Cancers of Head and Neck region and has a special interest
in cancers of mouth, jaws and salivary glands. His expertise in reconstruction of the jaws using 3D
virtual surgical planning helps to provide best possible care to his patients.
In recognition of his expertise and contributions to the field of oncology, Dr. Sudheesh is
appointed as a Senior Consultant in the Maxillofacial Division of Surgical Oncology at MVR Cancer
Centre and Research Institute


Work Experience
  •  Senior Resident in Maxillofacial Surgery, Government Medical College, Kottayam (2012-2013)
  •  Fellow in Head and Neck Surgical Oncology Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery (2013- 2014)
  •  Consultant in Maxillofacial Surgery, Meditrina Hospital, Kollam (2014-2016)
  •  Senior Resident in Surgical Oncology, Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery (2016-2017)
  •   Consultant in Surgical Oncology, MVR Cancer Centre and Research Institute, Calicut (April 2017 – continuing)
  • Senior Consultant in Maxillofacial Division of Surgical Oncology, MVR Cancer Centre and Research
    Institute, Calicut (February 2023 – continuing)

Clinical interest

  •  Management of cancers of mouth, jaws and salivary glands
  •  Head and Neck Reconstruction
  •  Organ preservation procedures in Head and Neck


  • Haripriya Chari, Santhosh Kumar N, Sudheesh Manoharan; Distribution of Metastatic Lymph node
    in Primary Oral squamous cell carcinoma; Journal of Head and Neck Phycisians and surgeons; Vol 7; Supplement 1, Oct 2019
  • Sudheesh Manoharan, Sajith Babu, Sivakumar Thiagarajan et al; Non Iodine Avid Bone Metastasis from Differentiated Thyroid Cancer – Case series; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2017 Oct, Vol-11 (10)
  •  Santhosh Kumar N, TP Sajith Babu, Sudheesh Manoharan; Thyrolingual trunk arising from common carotid artery – A case report; Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research  2017 Aug,Vol-11 (8)
  •  Sudheesh Manoharan, K George Varghese, Mohan Sadhanandan; Impact of bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy setback on pharyngeal airway space; A prospective study; Indian Journal of Oral Sciences; (Accepted for publication; DOI:10.4103/0976-6944.187442)
  •  LS Sreela, RN Sharma, M Sudheesh. An Unusual Presentation of a Rare Disorder – Scleredema of Buschke. J Adv Med Dent Scie Res 2015; 3(5): S74-S77
  •  Varghese KG, Manoharan S, Sadhanandan M. Evaluation of bleeding following dental extraction  in patients on long-   term antiplatelet therapy: A clinical trial. Indian J Dent Res 2015;26:252
  •   L. S Sreela, Sudheesh M, George Varghese; Multiple Angiomas of oral cavity – A review and report of a case; Journal of Clinical Dentistry; Vol. 1 No.1 July 2010


  • FIBCSOMS : International Board of Specialists in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  •  MOMS RCS : 2018, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
  •  Fellow (Head and Neck Surgery) : 2014, Malabar Cancer Centre, Thalassery, India
  • MDS (Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery) : 2012, Govt. Dental College, Kottayam, India
  • Certificate course in Essentials of Palliative Care by Indian Association of Palliative Care


  • International Board Certification of Specialists in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Best paper (Third prize) award on “Outcome of Temporalis flap in reconstruction of
    palatomaxillary defects.” AOMSI Kerala State Conference, Alleppey, 05-06 November 2021


The Visionary

Respectfully called MVR, the late MV Raghavan was one of the revolutionary leaders of the Communist movement in Kerala. Born in an ordinary family in Pappinissery, Kannur, his political life began in his early teens. He served two terms as Minister of Co-operation and Ports in Kerala during 1991-1996 and 2001-2006. MVR revolutionized the co-operative sector by taking the people-powered movement to healthcare and education in the State. MV Raghavan realized the role of the co-operative movement in social development and job creation and he was instrumental in setting up various institutions in the state.