Cp 13/516 B, C, Vellalasseri Nitc(Via), Poolacode, Kozhikode
  • For Appointment (+91) 495 2289500, 2289505, 7199525
  • For Emergency (+91) 495 2289531
  • Surgical Oncology

    Surgical Oncology

    Surgical Oncology Department provides top-quality surgical solutions on a par with any major cancer care centre in the world. This is often the first treatment for cancer. The surgery basically involves removing the tumour and tissues damaged by cancer. At MVRCCRI, a team of specialist surgeons works to support patients. We have a world-class fully integrated operation theatre complex with 8 operations theatres and a high-end cath lab. We are the first stand-alone cancer centre in Kerala to introduce Robotic surgery in the near future.

    What is Onco-surgery
    Generally speaking, surgery is indicated in the treatment of most tumours. It is usually the first phase of treatment but is sometimes preceded and/or followed by chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. Cancer surgery naturally involves removing the tumour as precisely as possible. But it is also usually complemented by a lymph-node dissection: the surgeon removes as much as possible of the lymph nodes which drain the tumour and are therefore liable to be affected in their turn. For breast cancer, the sentinel lymph node technique allows a single lymph node to be removed. If it appears healthy, the others will be preserved, whereas if it is affected, the lymph node chain will be removed. These operations are usually practised under the same anaesthetic. The analysis of these lymph nodes will also help decide upon the follow-up to the surgical intervention (chemotherapy, radiotherapy etc.).

    Surgery treatment at MVRCCRI

    MVRCCRI has specialist surgeons for various types of cancers:

    • Head and Neck Oncology
    • Thoracic Oncology
    • Bone and soft tissue Oncology
    • Breast Oncology
    • Upper and lower gastrointestinal Oncology
    • Genitourinary Oncology
    • Gynecological Oncology
    • Neuro-Oncology

    Other facilities:

    • Daycare Surgery Units (the patient enters the hospital to be operated on in the morning and leaves the same day) is developing and is one of the priorities for the coming years. The idea is for the patient to return to their usual environment more rapidly, which is more reassuring for them.
    • The anesthetics team is trained in the most innovative techniques.
    • State-of-the-art Endoscopic unit for diagnostic procedures and therapeutic procedures like stenting, polypectomy, etc.
    • Psycho-oncology unit for the pre-and post-operative counseling.
    • Support of allied departments such as Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Dietary and Ostomy Care units.
    • Minimally invasive surgical unit, which performs all, laparoscopic surgeries especially in Colorectal and Gynecological Oncology units.

    Surgical Oncology Doctors

    Dr. Syam VikramSR. CONSULTANT & HOD
    Dr. Deepak DamodaranSR. CONSULTANT
    Dr. Sudheesh ManoharanSR. CONSULTANT
    Dr. Shafeek ShamsudeenCONSULTANT
    Dr. Faslu Rahman N KCONSULTANT
    Dr. Lemin Mohan PuravankaraCONSULTANT
    Dr. Lista Paul CSPECIALIST
    Dr. John J AlapattSENIOR REGISTRAR
    Dr. Gokul R KrishnanSPECIALIST


    The Visionary

    Respectfully called MVR, the late MV Raghavan was one of the revolutionary leaders of the Communist movement in Kerala. Born in an ordinary family in Pappinissery, Kannur, his political life began in his early teens. He served two terms as Minister of Co-operation and Ports in Kerala during 1991-1996 and 2001-2006. MVR revolutionized the co-operative sector by taking the people-powered movement to healthcare and education in the State. MV Raghavan realized the role of the co-operative movement in social development and job creation and he was instrumental in setting up various institutions in the state.